Soul Sixty6: Blog on Fashion & Management!

  • Soul Sixty6 ~ The Blog

    Soul Sixty6 ~ The Blog

    Soul Sixty6 is the space where we share thoughts, knowledge, trivia and facts on Fashion & Lifestyle, Branding & Retail and Management. Fashion and Lifestyle industry is very dynamic, complex and truly global, that directly or indirectly is connected to every single being in some way or the other. This makes it very complicated to…

  • Timeless Management Lessons from Indian Wedding

    Timeless Management Lessons from Indian Wedding

    Management Schools and Gurus these days in their management lessons often talk of basic values such as empathy, gender equality and respect among coworkers at workplace. These values & their respective degrees are ingrained into the intrinsic nature of humans, especially during the formative years and surroundings. To start practicing them with complete strangers at…

  • Startup: Sheep to Unicorn

    Startup: Sheep to Unicorn

    A successful business in the conventional wisdom is known to operate with debts in the region of 20-50% of the revenue. Today, the new age startups driven by the ‘Modern Wisdom’ are enjoying debts as high as 10-20 times their current revenue. These entities once reaching the size of a Billion Dollars in valuation are…

  • Vegan Leather ~ The Final Analysis

    Vegan Leather ~ The Propaganda  We pick this article from a popular travel magazine CN Traveller, just as one example to discuss and understand the agenda. 15 Vegan Leather brands for guilt-free fashion, as per CN Travelller The article starts with an impressive opening: Vegan leather, an oxymoron, is the ethical and cruelty-free alternative to…

  • Ted Lasso ~ The Best Masterclass on Management

    Ted Lasso ~ The Best Masterclass on Management

    Ted Lasso as a character is one of grit, determination and perseverance. Corporate bully is a very common creature across industries and can appear in the form of a co-worker, boss, arrogant subordinate or even a staff union leader. Every manager has to live with this creature and face corporate bullying at all times. Ted…

  • Life in Denims

    Today when everyone talks of sustainable fashion, recycle & reuse, responsible consumerism, etc., I thought I must also look inwards and carry out an ‘internal audit’ of my personal consumption of Denims. This introspection helped bring about insights & trivia from my memories, as a consumer. So I decided to profile & document some of…

  • GreenWashing in Fast Fashion

    GreenWashing in Fast Fashion

    Today’s consumer, Millennial and more so ‘Gen-Z’, is well informed and aware of the causes and issues directly affecting her future, in terms of ecological and environmental sustainability. In order to reach out to the ‘ever-so-conscious’ consumer, who wants to stay socially and ecologically ethical, Brands have been indulging in ‘smart’ advertising by inserting key-words…

  • ‘Design’ Economy in India

    If we need to build a robust design economy for India, we need to literally lay the foundation stone, build it from ground up. So far, the few initiatives that we have seen, although significant, have done very little to help the design industry.

  • Re-Booting Fashion Industry

    This is an opportunity for Fashion Industry to finally reflect and reform. There had to be a global scenario such as this China Virus, where everything just stopped. Unless this had happened, Fashion industry wouldn’t be able to slow down even to introspect and think of any long-term reforms.